I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港
HKD $ 5600
I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out  - 土瓜湾 - 住宅 (整间出租) - Homates 香港

I have a 2 bedroom flat. I'm using one for myself and want to rent the other room out

Tam kung mansion, 51A Tam kung road, Tokwawan


地区 土瓜湾
物业类别 住宅 (整间出租) 出租
住宅类别 其他
物业地址 Tam kung mansion, 51A Tam kung road, Tokwawan
住房间隔 2房1厅
实用面积 实用面积 400 平方尺
  • 允许抽烟
  • 禁止养宠物
  • 禁止孩子
租金 HKD 5600 /月
按金 按金 5600 个月
租约期 12 个月
入住日期 随时
  • 管理费


Well clean. Simple decoration, all vinicity nearby. Easy transportation. 

Ps.. I am staying in one room. Letting out the other room. One is bigger in size than the other room. The bigger room is HK$5600.00. The other room is for HK$4300.00


  • 允许抽烟

  • 禁止养宠物

  • 禁止孩子


  • 网络

  • 衣柜

  • 冰箱

  • 煮食炉

  • 洗衣机

  • 热水炉

  • 空调


  • 近巴士站

  • 近火车站

  • 餐廰

  • 诊所

  • 商场

  • 公园

  • 超市

  • 便利店



