131 Woosung Rd
地区 | 佐敦/尖沙咀 |
物业类别 | 房间 (合租/分租) 出租 |
住宅类别 | 其他 |
入住日期 | 随时入住 |
性别要求 | 只限女生 |
物业地址 | 131 Woosung Rd |
住房间隔 | 1房1厅 |
实用面积 | 实用面积 20 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 8500 /月 |
按金 | 按金 0 个月 |
租约期 | 1 个月 |
入住日期 | 随时 |
Beautiful and clean apartment that’s just been painted available for short term rent (days/weeks/months). No extra fees and no deposit needed. Big clean room with a queen size bed. Lovely living room with big windows, new sofas, a big screen TV and a PS4. Western bathroom, wooden kitchen, brand new fridge. It will just be you and me. I’m a very clean and very friendly South African. I like to chill at home, play PlayStation and go hiking on my off days. I’m very clean and orderly. Also easy to talk to :). Jordan is a fantastic area since it is very well connected to all other areas of Hong Kong. It is an ideal base to enjoy dynamic Kowloon - TST Harbour City/ Ocean Centre, Temple Street Night Market, Elements Mall/ICC/Sky 100, Jade Market, Star Ferry/Clock Tower/Avenue of Stars.