Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港
HKD $ 2500
Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island - 南丫岛 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港

Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island

Lo Tik Wan Lamma Island


地区 南丫岛
物业类别 房间 (合租/分租) 出租
住宅类别 其他
入住日期 随时入住
物业地址 Lo Tik Wan Lamma Island
住房间隔 3房1厅
实用面积 实用面积 80 平方尺
  • 允许抽烟
  • 允许养宠物
  • 允许孩子
租金 HKD 2500 /月
按金 按金 500 个月
租约期 1 个月
入住日期 随时


Cozy Room on the Beach on Lamma Island at Lo Tik Wan which is about a 25 min walk from the Yung Shue Wan Ferry and 15 min by sampan from Aberdeen and MTR. Room is furnished with double bed. Storage is also available in the house. No minimum or maximum stay. All welcome. Please text /whatsapp or call Christian 6829 1725. Wifi also available. Bills add about 200 per month.


  • 允许抽烟

  • 允许养宠物

  • 允许孩子




  • 热水炉

  • 桌椅

  • 洗衣机

  • 煮食炉

  • 冰箱

  • 衣柜

  • 网络


  • 公园



