堅尼地城 翡翠閣B座
地区 | 西区 |
物业类别 | 住宅 (整间出租) 出租 |
住宅类别 | 其他 |
物业地址 | 堅尼地城 翡翠閣B座 |
住房间隔 | 1房1厅 |
实用面积 | 实用面积 383 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 14000 /月 |
按金 | 按金 1 个月 |
租约期 | 3 个月 |
入住日期 | 随时 |
租金包括 |
我們的公寓位在堅尼地城離地鐵只有三分鐘路程地段也很方便是一個我們很喜歡的小窩。因為要出差兩個月所以想找個有缘人短租。我們的理想日期是八月底到十月底但為了配合租客時間最早7月21日可以入住, 最晚11月10日完租。詳細日期可以和我們討論喔。價錢絶對是良心價, 只是目前房租加上水電煤網沒有另外加價。如果大家知道堅尼地城附近的價格應該會知道這個價格非常不好找尤其不是唐樓的大廈。有緣的話快來租吧 - 有電梯、24小時保安位於12樓 - 一間雙人床房 - 如果想要兩張分開的床我們客廳的沙發床可以鋪出來喔客廳空間還是很充裕的 - 乾濕分離衛浴 - 獨立廚房 - 家俱電器齊全冷暖氣、冰箱、洗衣機、煮食爐、烤箱、電子鍋、煮水爐、飲用水濾水機、吸塵器、雙人床墊、沙發、雙人工作長桌、四人餐桌、衣櫃、晾衣架 - 我們會把三個衣櫃清空給你們使用喔。ㄧ個大衣櫥、兩個抽屜櫃(ㄧ大ㄧ小) - 如果不介意我們這個月剛新買了天絲床組是想招待客人時用的目前只用過一次。把我們家當長租型的Airbnb吧可以完全拎包入住 - 我們客廳有一大塊空地洗衣服的時候可以把晾衣架擺出來晾客廰通風很好的 - 這個地段真的很棒隔條街就是叮叮車樓下就是超市和麵包店走路五分鐘有游泳池、公園和街市。附近的餐廳非常多港式、泰式、越式、台式、日式、義式、川菜、埃及菜、點心、居酒屋、酒吧等應有盡有☺ Hello everyone, I'm going on a business trip for 2 months, so my boyfriend and I are hoping to rent out our conveniently located apartment in Kennedy Town for the period. The apartment is 383 square feet and is 14000 per month inclusive of all bills. The house is fully furnished, and is in a 3-minute walking distance to the metro station. The supermarket is right down stairs, and the swimming pool, park and traditional market are 5 minutes away. It's a very convenient area with a lot of great food as well, including Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, Taiwanese, Eygptian, HK style and a lot more. Appliances include: air-conditioning, fridge, washing machine, electric stove, oven, rice cooker, water cooker, drinking water purifier, coffee machine and vacuum cleaner. We have 3 closets: one big one for hanging, and 2 drawer closets. There's a comfortable sofa, a 2-person work desk and a 4-person dining table. Our ideal rent-out period is late August to late October, but the period from late July until the start of November is negotiable. If you are interested, please contact by email, so we can arrange a viewing.