元朗元龍街8號Yoho town 7座
地區 | 元朗 |
物業類別 | 房間 (合租/分租) 出租 |
住宅類別 | 其他 |
入住日期 | 隨時入住 |
性別要求 | |
物業地址 | 元朗元龍街8號Yoho town 7座 |
住房間隔 | 2房1廳 |
實用面積 | 實用面積 422 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 5750 /月 |
按金 | 按金 2 個月 |
租約期 | 1 個月 |
入住日期 | 隨時 |
租金包括 |
屋苑資料:Yoho Town 私人屋苑,環境清幽。鄰近西鐵元朗站(距西鐵 8 分鐘步程),交通方便。樓下會所,日夜開放,有室內外泳池、健身室、桑拿浴室、自修室等,設施完善。 住宅資料: 兩房一廳一露台,17樓,實用面積422平方呎。你可住主人房,有書桌及舒適雙人床,旁有大窗,可望遠景。廳、廚、廁共用。傢俬電器一應俱全。月租各5750加水電煤wifi。 個人資料: 任教語言為業,平易近人,夜晚安靜。重視互相尊重與溝通。 合租對象: 性情平和,夜晚安靜,重視互相尊重與溝通。男女均可。 若有意合租,歡迎見面詳談或參觀現址,看是否合適。 Hi, I would like to share a nice 2 room flat at Yoho Town near Yuen Long MTR Station. The flat is 422", 17/F, quite new, with full set of furniture and fixtures, next to (30 sec walk) two swimming pools, gym and other sports facilities, and a study room, within 8 mins walking-distance to Yuen Long MTR Station. (Monthly rent 5,750 only) Within your room is a comfortable double bed and a desk. Besides your bed there is a large window for views. I'm a language teacher (Cantonese/ Chinese writing) with nice and easy-going personality, and value mutual respect and communication. I enjoy music, movies, reading, writing, gym and cycling. Looking for a roommate who is easy-going, quiet at night and value mutual respect and communication; gender doesn't matter. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit the flat. Lester
I'm a language teacher (Cantonese/ Chinese writing) with nice and easy-going personality, regular daily life, emotional supportive, value mutual respect and communication. I enjoy music, movies, reading, writing and swimming.