地區 | 旺角/油麻地 |
物業類別 | 住宅 (整間出租) 出租 |
住宅類別 | 其他 |
物業地址 | 洗衣街201號 |
住房間隔 | 3房1廳 |
實用面積 | 實用面積 600 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 22800 /月 |
按金 | 按金 2 個月 |
租約期 | 12 個月 |
入住日期 | 隨時 |
此房有樹景有遠景,三房一廳,單邊房,清幽怡人,鄰舍和睦,乾淨企理,交通極之方便,一步之遙就到地鐵站、東鐵站、巴士總站,又處名校區,左有伊利沙伯,右有男拔萃。 Mark Twain: "To us, our house was not insentient matter — it had a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with." Next to the Garden Street, this 3-bedroom apartment captures plenty of green scenery, to the point that even the Lion Rock is visible. This is one of the safest place in Hong Kong - a police station is 5 minutes away and the neighbours are all educated and civilised. Transportation cannot be more convenient either - you can reach all kinds of transportation hubs here (other and ships and airplane) within 5 minutes. We also neighboured two prestigious colonial high schools here, the Elizabeth School and Diocesan Boys' School.