Last update on 2016-09-09
District | Kowloon Station |
Property type | Bedroom For rent |
Flat type | Others |
Move-in | Move-in now |
Tenant gender | Girls only |
Address | 尖沙咀中間道 |
Partition | 2 Bedrooms 1 Living rooms |
Sized | Sized 1000 sq ft |
Others |
Rent | HKD 7000 /month |
Deposit | Deposit 2 months |
Rental period | 12 months |
Move-in | Now |
Rent included |
位於九龍尖沙咀中心地帶 (中間道中層住宅,170尺主人房間出租),靠近太空館、歷史博物館、科學館和文化中心等,鄰近亦有不少高級酒店及香港著名景點星光大道,附近高級商舗林立可謂東西文化薈萃之地。樓下就係 MTR,西鐵站,東鐵站及多個往來港九新界各處的巴士站,為交通輸樞中心點。保安嚴密,租約期和入住期可再商量。(只租女性) Located in the center of Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui (Master room to rent out, 170 ft, middle road residential) where near the space museum, museum of history, science and cultural centers. There are MTR, West Rail, East Rail and Bus stops everywhere, very convenient and higher security of residential. The rental period and move-in date can be further discussed. (Rent to women only)
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