Last update on 2019-04-15
District | Tai Kok Tsui |
Property type | Bedroom For rent |
Flat type | Others |
Move-in | Move-in now |
Tenant gender | Boys only |
Address | 中滙街33号中興樓 |
Partition | 3 Bedrooms 1 Living rooms |
Sized | Sized 436 sq ft |
Others |
Rent | HKD 3800 /month |
Deposit | Deposit 2 months |
Rental period | 6 months |
Move-in | Now |
Rent included |
我电話 53364208 or mylineid kcckt2018 wtsapp 64130153 本人是alex男仔32歲自僱不吸煙愛乾凈易相處是夲單位的業主現在自己住一間细房,現有1個大約60平方赤的房間可以分租比有正職男仕,夲大廈有lift亦剛做完大維修。但你需要共用洗手間、浴室、廚房、大廳!夲區好近港鐵奥運站你只需步行8分鐘就到車站了、我留下亦有多架小巴去尖沙咀太子及旺角交通非常方便,另外附近亦有多間茶記及好近奥海城2期購物食嘢行街都超正方便!呢度亦提供免費wifi及定時清潔洗熨服務:包定期更换床單枕頭套披袋,以及每日吸塵及用綠水抹地! 房間已有一張3尺床連床肉及1個衣櫃及及略有裝修大窗開揚,基本上你只需要拉件行里入來己可以即住亦不用操心清潔的麻煩!但夲房間只租給有正職的男仕,有意租可以 call me約看屋若正式租用時會簽訂一份租約以及本人有政府土地註冊處的業權文件可出示以證明本人是夲單位的合法業主!welcome for foreginers ,nice room for sub leaseing,locates at nearby kowloon olympic mtr station,you can use my wifi.washing machine ,cooker,dryer etc, add my line kcckt2018 for more information,this room is only leased for male i can produce my certificate of owners issued by the lands registeration of lands department to prove i am the owner of this apartment .we will sign up the tenancy agrement upon you comfirms to lease my room ,copies will be given to you ,.非誠勿擾多謝!line pleaseadd my whatsapp 64130153 kcckt2018
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